<< Bonus for all viewers >>
Bonus 1 : The rich will not sell the home that they have stayed in previously that made them wealthy.
Why? Because the home is full of positive energy and vibration.
Bonus 2: The rich do not mix with the poor.
Why? Because they do not want to be affected with negative energy. They themselves are full of positive energy and people who are poor and with problems have huge negative energy.
Step out of your hesitation and experience for the first time, the abundance flow of positive energy and luck. You will never feel it if you do not try it. Try it and benefit from it.
Announcements : Due to the high orders during Chinese New Year, we have stopped daily deliveries and last min deliveries. Our weekdays will
be preparing the packages for within Asia deliveries. Last min deliveries will be on a case by case basis otherwise deliveries will be on a
weekend. Please pre-order in advance in case of disappointment. Thank you for your support.
Welcome to SacredSageSG. Before we begin, we would like to ask for some
of your time to finish reading this entire page. The decision is fully yours to make but we appreciate if you give yourself some time to digest the information on this page. Towards the final end, we want to share that we ourselves benefited and thus we want to let you know that this does exist. W e benefited at a crucial juncture of our lives and thus we feel that we are obligated to share this gift to more. Before you continue, pause for a moment and try to answer this. At this point in your life do you think that you should have achieved more? Have you made enough of bad decision or deprived of opportunities that you also do not understand why? Once you have tried to answer both, then move on.
We would like to give you a special gift. A Knowledge or a Concept. A extremely powerful concept that is common knowledge but almost no one paid attention to. The society and the school taught us to think deep or so deep that common knowledge is considered simplistic and totally ignored. The rich and wealthy recognizes this. In fact of those extremely successful are school dropouts or poor grade students who through the years accepted and tap into this knowledge. Remember that science has not proven many things including how pyramids are built.
Here it is.
Luck is neutral. And so Good luck are outcomes due to good events. Bad luck are bad outcomes due to bad events.
Your action determines the outcome. The outcome is thus good events or bad events. So your action leads to good events or bad events.
And since your action determines the outcome, what will then determine the choices that convinced you to take actions? At this stage, do you agree that we cannot predict the future? If yes, then your best guess of what action to take to reach your dream, say a millionaire or CEO is at best a gamble with good or not so good odds in your favor.
To add on further, Maths taught us of permutations of chance. Example in the case of lotto or toto, the chance of the grand prize is example is 1 in around 8 million. However this can be wrong. Why? Because there is a an element of chance which cannot be quantified. Do you know that there has been many cases of people who won the grand price more than once? By maths this is impossible unless the person is thousand years old. But it happened around the world. Not once but many many times. Till today, scientist are still working through their lives trying to find the link. The missing link. In additional, do you also know that a report published that a scientist has submitted to NASA that our maths are flawed and that actually space travel only needs a very very small energy compared to the earlier maths of the entire energy source on earth. See how wrong we can sometimes be.
This thus lead us to a concept of patterns within chaos which we are not going to discuss here. Instead ancient text and even the personal diaries of rich and famous provided another clue. That at the turning point of their lives, an inner voice convinced them to made a decision which is the life transformation decision. The voice so distinct that they changed their choices and the way they made their choices. And then one positive reaction leads to another and another and another. Until success is guaranteed.
There lies the source of how you make your choices which is your intuition. Your inner voice. Humans use so little percentage of our brain power that the undiscovered part which drives our intuition is so mysterious and almost unheard of. However to receive this, we only need to seek from ancient text and cultures. Almost instantly you will notice that all cultures recognizes the need to remove bad luck or negative energy to tap into the ability to hear your inner voice.
And finally, reactions has a permutation effect or a bubbling effect. Positive reactions creates more position reactions. Negative reactions creates more negative reactions. When you start to make more position choices, the bubbling effects starts and begins to cancel away the negative reactions. As more and more positive reactions are born, so too will your progress towards your goals. That is the reason why so many people mentioned that the moment good luck comes, it just continues.
So how then can you improve your intuition. What is the safest and easiest to you and to your environment. Which is the most convenient in our modern society and which is the most effective?
It is already well known in the western society. And that is to use White Sage. However in order to get the maximum benefit you will need to get the right white sage, the right size, the right source and to do the right step, with the right motivation. We ensure that the Premium White Sage given to you have all the rights and in additional we provide you instructions for you to prepare your right motivation with full instructions to achieving the right steps. All these can be done by yourself at the comfort and convenience.Searching through both modern and ancient text provided us with a source and a guide.
All these can be done by yourself at the comfort and convenience.
To reach your goal requires that competitive advantage in today's world. By improving towards your intuition, you start the effect of attracting positiveness to propel you forward. For customers confidentiality, we do not publish our customers accomplishments but you will be surprised just like us , how many of them self transformed and achieved so much that they themselves could not have imagine following a year later.
With chinese new year around the corner, maybe it is time to rethink how you have been inviting good luck. Did it work? Why didn't it work? The answer is simple. Your home is now filled up to capacity with good energy and bad energy. Without clearing more space, how to you keep the good energy that you invite? Whatever new good energy will just skip you. So before you start another year, start to rethink and perform a proper personal and home cleansing. Chinese New Year is one of those days that have a super high concentration of good energy in the atmosphere, skip and you will be back to your usual year. The year of normal and the year of no improvements.
Remember all success begins from home. The root. If the root have abundance of positive energy, every being in the home benefits. The breadwinner wins it all. So if the root has more negative energy. Everyone suffers, including the breadwinner. You can ignore but you cannot chance the fact because this is nature.
Any finally, Premium White Sage is not for you if you are contended and do not have aims for a better well-being or dreams. It is also not for you if you don't even have 10-15 mins each week. This is not for you if you are practicing dark arts. This is not for you if you are lazy and will not lift a finger even when intuition open up and give you the million dollar chance.

The contents in this website is about you. How you can increase your good luck through the flow of positive energy and what blocks this flow. You will be your own good luck charm. You will save yourself tremendous amount of time, effort and opportunities doing it right from the start. You end up saving tons of money because you do not need a whole drawer of good luck charms. You are empowered to transform yourself into your own good luck charm. You also save huge amount of effort because you can now do it yourself without the need of professionals.
Health and Wealth are two siblings that can be together. This solution is simple, easy and it has worked for so many worldwide and in Singapore. You are empowered to do it as and when you need this. Free of asking others for help because you are now in control. You decide when to turn on your good luck charm and You save hundreds to thousands of dollars to cleanse your space. You can do it limitless anytime you feel the need.
The benefits are long lasting as long as you understand the real ways of getting things in alignment. This is your express ticket to find out how to empower prayers, good luck charms to work most of the time. With an open mind, we will now openly share with you. Divert your efforts to understanding this system and put in effort to use the tools. Leave us to help you source for the tool and the steps to do it. We show the path, you empower yourself to experience the journey.
Good luck is a positive outcome through the accumulation of good energy. Bad luck is thus the opposite side of negative outcome due to bad energy. Luck is Neutral and is a result of the winner between good energy and bad energy.
So what can you still do if nothing is improving your luck and opportunities? You have tried prayers, fengshui and many others. So you tried simply removing bad luck first? So lets start to turn yourself into your own successful charm.
When hospitals that only recognizes science and evidence uses one of the tool, this is definitely serious business and of extreme value. (St Paul's Hospital in Vancouver, St. Alexius Medical Center, Saskatoon City Hospital, Oregon State Hospital. Many more are on the way)