"The Path" is a three part article where we expose the way to open the path to True and Lasting flow of Good Luck.
Article 1 will share with you the power of how Premium White Sage can do to improve fortune.
Article 2 will provide more information into what exactly is White Sage.
Article 3 will share with you when are good occasions to use White Sage.
History of White Sage![]()
It is not available in Asia except by import and thus the cost is extremely expensive, It is also very difficult to get authentic and pure White Sage. Lastly it must be handled with care during packaging and shipping to retain its properties.
Sage smudging originates from Native North Americans and although each culture has its means to cleanse dark energies, only White Sage Smudging is the most powerful, clean and convenient way that exists. White Sage is the most powerful way to bring about the White Light Protection. Because of its amazing and powerful properties, this secret is kept within the knowledge of few. People who knew it by chance, by fate they tried it, experienced the positive effects and make this part of regular cleansing. People in fengshui, spiritual healing, visionaries, personal trainers, counsellors often during the course of the work pick up a lot of bad energies and needed ways to clear away these bad influence. However almost no one will share what do they use to cleanse themselves of the very bad luck and most will never share it. Think about it for a minute, why should they?
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salvia_apiana http://www.ehow.com/way_5340878_white-sage-healing-techniques.html | |
White sage possesses antibacterial and decongestant agents that are scientifically proven to help treat strep throat, reduce mucus secretion in the respiratory system, inhibit coughing and generally boost the immune system. The USDA has even approved white sage as a legitimate treatment for eczema and other skin afflictions, after extensive tests have proved that the antibacterial properties of this “wonder” herb have lessened the symptoms of outbreaks. When made into a tea, white sage acts as a soothing, natural cure for stomach indigestion and sore throats, and may reduce sweating. White sage is also internationally recognised for its protection, cleansing and healing abilities.
From native Americans to Australians, many cultures have been using and many more started using White Sage in the recent years. It's uses has spread from places of worships to personal homes, from hospitals to military installations. Even fengshui masters and western spiritual healers are using White Sage to cleanse themselves of negative energy.
White Sage secret was leaked out during one of a TV show in the western countries. A very popular spiritual leader was on an Interview and during the program she smudged using a bunch of leaves. It was later uncovered that this is White Sage, known to only a few natives Americans. Thus one can wonder why US remains the most powerful money creation country till today. |
Main uses of White Sage |
A) Protection - White Sage is a Sacred Sage and provides protection against evil and bad influence / energy. We are all surrounded with both good energy and bad energy. Many cultures recognise the existence of both good and evil. For us, it is always a constant struggle to protect ourselves and family from evil. White Sage is a Sacred Herb and provides protection to its owners. Native Americans knew about this and kept White Sage at home. In modern times, families keep it near the door entrance and in the car to block evil from entering. With White Sage around, negative energy are block from entering the space. Just keeping 1 White Sage at home is good enough as a warning to evil energy.
B) Clear evil and bad energy - Many people do not know about darkness, unseen negative or bad luck around us. Usually until something happened in the home do we take notice and then engage Fengshui or prayers as places of worship. We pick these dark energy daily and unintentionally and the bad luck settles down and slowly accumulates in our HDB flat or apartments. This energy is worst in cities as many hundreds and thousands of people project these energies affecting almost everyone else. Over time, you and almost everyone experience angry, sad, depressed, hate, violet, stress, health problems for even the smallest or minor events. These intense negative energy slowly drain each of us and makes us vulnerable to extreme bad events and health problems. White Sage smoke is the most potent and can quickly neutralise bad luck and bad energy. The smoke can also carry your blessing directly to God should you use it for prayers. C) Aid healing - Sage refers to heal and to heal spiritually unblocks the very aspects that prevents us from moving forward towards our dreams. A traditional herb that can be used to smudge yourself, home or personal office. Used by Native Indians to purify both mind and body and to bring in protection, drive away evil, remove bad luck, remove misfortune. The use is to clear the space and bring in calm thus allowing abundance of Wealth Luck to flow in. White Sage is worldwide recognised most effective traditional herb with the ability to calm the mental, personal aura and provide empowerment of your spiritual space. ** White Sage has been scientifically proven to heal the central nervous system to aid in healing. This is especially good for patients with chronic conditions.
White Sage is not a religious artifact. White Sage is a gift from mother nature that provides protection similar to Salt, Garlic and Clover Leaf. White Sage smoke is similar to sun light, white sage smoke eliminates any negative and evil influence. In additional White Sage smoke provides additional healing properties to calm the mind, spirit and aura and remove evil and bad influence and has scientific evidence of physical body healing capabilities. It is environmental friendly and you have total control over how to use and when to use it. Our customers like many others are initially hesitant but and after trying all of them are now regular uses of White Sage. We bless our White Sage stick to send thanks to mother nature for the wonderful gift and ask that each White Sage stick provides smoke that can totally cleanse evil and provide full protection to anyone who need them.
Why is it important to remove negative energy |
In the modern world that we live in, the economics requires us to constantly struggle between income and debt. The difficult situations, road blocks, anxieties all comes from negative thoughts, negative speech and negative energy.
The huge wheel that feeds Negative speech and negative thoughts is actually "Negative energy". It is impossible to identify the source of this negative energy. However it is entirely possible to "PURGE" and "REDUCE" this "Negative energy".
Relating to the constant struggle between good and bad, this is a constant struggle between good energy and bad energy. Once you have negative energy under control and removed, you give opportunity for positive energy to do its work. Positive energy grows and opens your senses to the world of possibilities.
And once you reach the tipping point, your senses and inner self opens up to the guidance of angels and higher self that guides you to the goals that you want to achieve. Many millionaires or billionaires who shared their personal story recounted times when they reached a crossroad and somehow a inner voice tells them to take a particular path. And there a few years later they are successful.
That inner voice is within each of us. But many do not know how to tap into these, until they are at the verge of desperation.
There is a wealth of information of how to tap to these guides for help and it is not my intention to teach or share as there are better teachers around. What I am going to share is where and how you can use "white sage" to purge the negative energy so that the free space can be occupied by the positive energy that you generate. Then it is your free choice to tap to these inner voices.
However, you need to be aware that only yourself can generate positive energy. Once the negative energy is weaken, you should follow your religious beliefs, mediate or pray to invite positive energy to fill the new space.