Congratulations should you be one of the singapore bride or singapore groom. Premium white sage is so important for this day that missing this step will probably be the biggest regret after you know that premium white sage exist. This is going to be the biggest joy of your lives and every effort will be spent to celebrate for the perfect wedding. On top of that, this will be the happiest moments for both families so no no to shortcuts.
Lets review the checklist of some of the most happily married couples and notice the last two activities in the list

Nowadays all couples spend 90% of their effort on surfing wedding forum, wedding ideas, wedding decorations, invitation cards, wedding favors, wedding photography even bridesmaid dresses. However only an average of 100 couples per month perform pre-wedding cleansing on themselves, their wedding items and especially the wedding ring. Theses are the blessed couples who start the journey with fresh and new beginning. Many are equally concerned about choosing an auspicious date that does not make any significance if the couple did not perform any pre-cleansing.
White sage is now used worldwide for pre-wedding cleansing. More and more couples have been performing pre wedding cleansing. White sage smoke removes the negativity, bad luck or negative forces attached to the couples current live. This is important because marriage is the start of new beginnings and all negative attachments must be remove as much as possible. Do not enter the marriage with negative energy as it will block all your blessings.

Discover the most important and hidden step to a blissful wedded life. Start as soon as possible. Small in effort but skipping this step and you will give up your once a lifetime chance of a full wedding blessing. Those whom read this and are now aware will not give up this once a lifetime chance. This should and can only be performed by the Bride or Groom or Both to be effective. Use Premium White Sage to cleanse Bride or Groom or Both of any previous lingering bad luck or negative energy or negative past. Also use it to cleanse all your wedding items from wedding rings to Guo Da Li. The purpose is to ensure the purity of both Bride, Groom and the items. Wedding symbolise a new beginning and a unity of both mind and body. Thus a purified mind and body is the most sacred of gifts a Lady can give to a Men and vice versa. Do not underestimate this importance as the removal of negative energy is vital to remove any bad attachment for a new beginning.
Also give appreciation to your wedding "sisters" and "brothers". On the actual day, lit sage wand and ask for best fortune for yourself and them. Groom takes the lead to cleanse the brothers group and Bride takes the lead to cleanse the sisters group. This important step to give back blessings will double bless the couple. This is as easy as saying "Good luck to all" as your sway the wand from top to bottom for each of the party members.
Pre-wedding cleansing has been a long traditional for many cultures. From Asians to Christians and to the native clans in america and australia. In Singapore, most elders will remember some form of a wedding checklist that includes choosing a good wedding date and ensure nuptial cups, lights ... etc. Couples spend a lot of time preparing for the grand wedding date and yet skip the most important aspect. Over the years more and more couples came to know of pre-wedding cleansing. This is now a widely embraced practice in the western world and currently only those blessed enough to know could embrace.
Lets do this exercise together so that we can understand the significance of cleansing before a wedding
First Question : Assuming that your wedding band or ring dropped into the toilet bowl and landed on this pile of shit that is not yours. Will you pick it up, wash it and still wear it?
Second Question : Given a choice assuming you have the ability to buy another one and time allows for it. Would you get another wedding band or ring or would you still choose to wear the same ring for life?
Third Question : Why do you believe that choosing a good date is important? Is this modern science?
Fourth Question : If you believe that choosing a good date can give you good energy do you also believe that choosing a bad date will bring you bad luck and bad influence?
Fifth Question : Do you know who handled your wedding ring and whether during the entire production chain and delivery chain did any bad things happen that brings bad luck or bad energy to the ring and also those nuptial items that you will use?
Final Question : Relating to question 5, if you do not know, then what is the reason NOT to cleanse these items before using it? Similar to first question, negative energy is like other people's shit. Why contaminate yourself with other's people's negative energy or influence on your wedding?
Lastly the wedding gifts handled down by parents or grandparents has traces of their energy. If you come from an average family like many others chances are very high the negative energy are more than positive energy which is norm. Cleansing these items after you physically take over is like doing a total wash off the negative energy and fully claiming yourself as the rightly owner.
Imagine asking and receiving the blessings from the universe and God and feeling the connection of abundance of blessings with items that have negative influence. Is missing this step worth all the effort?
Feedback from "TheWeddingGurus" - Perform the pre-Wedding Cleansing for both Bride and Groom
"I (Susan) was lucky enough to see a ‘Smoking’ ceremony performed by an Aboriginal celebrant from the Northern Territory at a celebrant conference here in Adelaide a few years ago and its power was amazing. I immediately fell in love with the symbolism behind the ritual and its wonderful cleansing power"
I am getting married soon and i have frequent argument with my partner and even my parents. Whatever I say they dont seem to want to listen. My friend recommended me White Sage. I smudged myself before the family discussions and i start to notice that I am now communicating calmly and clearly. Every preparation seems to go one much smoothly without arguments... I cannot explain it but it seems to be the smudging.
I am getting married soon, but day by day i was getting worried till the stage that i am thinking of backing out of the wedding. A friend recommended me to White sage, after a few times, i feel totally different, the worries feeling is totally gone.
Many years ago, i had an unhappy relationship with my bf. It ended with abortion and we then go separate ways. I am now going to be married to my new bf of 3 years. However i felt guilty and wanted to tell him about the past. I was afraid but i know that i will always be forever guilty. I came upon this site while searching for something to erase the past but i found a lifesaver. After cleansing, i feel positive and actually have the courage. One evening, i broke the news to my fiance and I was surprised after a little argument it all goes fine. I honestly would not have the courage if not for white sage.
Recently i attended my best friends wedding. Just a few weeks ago she seems totally worn out. However during the wedding dinner she is totally different and full of energy.A few weeks later during a gathering she shared that she has been cleansing herself and every time she found new energy and a spirit of positives around her. I am now using white sage and starting to feel the positive energy around me.
Wow, i cannot believe it. It was a last min decision and my hubby and i were glad that we could get our hands on white sage. At the eleven hour just before our grand day, we performed a quick smudging. It was the best experience we had. The wedding night was totally ours and this is one day that i can totally experience the amount of blessings from the guest. Was it white sage? I am sure it is. Thanks again for helping us with the last min request.
Hi, thanks for sharing with us White Sage. It was our wedding night and my best night. My senses was totally open and i really enjoyed my special night with my husband.
It was ridiculous. I was holding this massive wad of dried weeds, with a burning tip the size of a baseball. With smoke pouring out the windows, passers-by on the street looked up as though there was an emergency going on, actually pointing at my windows. I could hardly breathe and my eyes were watering up but I was determined to make the place mine, and I even had to unplug the smoke detector. I wound up burning a hole in the carpet…shhh, I put a chair over it, and fairly distressing the very persinickity upstairs neighbour who glowered at me from that moment on. But, it WORKED. After that day, the place felt like MINE. It was home.
My mom was super into smudging and Native American spirituality as I was growing up and I’m pretty sure every place I lived in as a child was smudged before we moved in. This practice had totally slipped my mind until I saw this post and made me realize I should do this in my own home.
My younger sis is now married and i am so happy for her. During the ceremony she shared that she perform pre marriage cleansing. I feel amazed by her attitude and i too felt a difference in her home today. How i hope that someone introduced me to white sage earlier.