You have now made the biggest commitment of your life. Naturally, everyone will start to plan for renovation. In fact most will also engage fengshui master to provide a good date to start renovation and to move into the new place. Most will even look out on how to bless their own home. Btw if you are those looking for renovation checklist, there is a great blog here Home Renovation Checklist. However you will need to include the following add on
7) Renovation Plan
[ ] Have you performed home cleansing to remove any lingering bad energy from previous owner before you start your renovation?
9) Post Renovation Review
[ ] Now that your renovation is fully completed and satisfied, have you performed another 2 rounds of home cleansing to remove any lingering bad energy introduced during the renovation? This is to ensure that you moved into your home at a time when all negative energy is fully removed.
7) Renovation Plan
[ ] Have you performed home cleansing to remove any lingering bad energy from previous owner before you start your renovation?
9) Post Renovation Review
[ ] Now that your renovation is fully completed and satisfied, have you performed another 2 rounds of home cleansing to remove any lingering bad energy introduced during the renovation? This is to ensure that you moved into your home at a time when all negative energy is fully removed.
Stop. Think. Reverse - There is an important step. Having a personal home is a blessing. However to harness the full potential it is thus extremely important to know how to fill this home with strong and positive energy. Fill the home with positive energy will bring abundance of wealth, health, riches and fortune to all in the family. In order to achieve this, two things must happen.
a) The ability to bring in good energy into the home.
b) And the ability to remove negative energy and give more space for good energy to fill in.
Both good energy and bad energy is like air that we breathe. Every second every minute is a combination of good and bad energy around us. As time goes by both types of energy accumulates. However in nature, bad also accumulates more and fast, thus it is most important to learn how to continuously clean the area of negative energy so that new positive energy can constantly flow into the home. This is no wonder that the rich engage healers to cleanse their mansion frequently.
In Singapore, because of the size of our apartments, negative energy once accumulated will never ever leave. It will just accumulate. For those whom are buying resale units, there is even an added problem and a big one too. The negative energy left by the previous owner is in almost every corner of the home. Imagine you move in and starts to be affected with the negative energy of the previous family. Yucks!.
Forget about balancing your home energy. Simply remove all bad energy and keep the good energy.
Remember the 5C - Cleanse, Cleanse, Cleanse, Cleanse and Cleanse. (Totally remove all negative energy. Leave nothing to chance)
Renovating your new HDB, Condo or Landed property is both a wonderful and tiring experience. Premium white sage is possibility the only worldwide recognized way to remove negative energy or bad qi from the previous owner. Cleansing the house with white sage smoke to make the house truely yourself is now widely used in western countries and to a very few blessed families in Singapore.
Important note. If you are buying a resale unit, it is extremely important to remove any attachment from the previous owner. Otherwise you could be in for a very nasty surprise where your entire family luck is now intertwined by the bad luck and negative energy from the previous owner. This is a huge risk to take and is definitely not worth the risk.
In additional, when you perform your prayers for blessings, this will be empowered when your surroundings are cleansed and free of negative energy. So Cleanse Cleanse and Cleanse before your renovation and before your move into the home.
In additional, when you perform your prayers for blessings, this will be empowered when your surroundings are cleansed and free of negative energy. So Cleanse Cleanse and Cleanse before your renovation and before your move into the home.
Since 2010, the families in Singapore using white sage has been steadily growing and extremely high percent of these families extended the use into personal cleansing as well. It should be clear that white sage smoke is used to remove bad luck and bad negativity from the space.

Lets do this exercise together so that we can understand the significance of cleansing before starting a renovation or moving into a new home.
First Question : Would you sleep or eat in the public toilet? Would you arrange for gathering to have family, friends invited at a public toilet?
Second Question : Why do you believe that choosing a good date is important for renovation or moving into a home? Is this modern science?
Third Question : If you believe that choosing a good date can give you good energy do you also believe that choosing a bad date will bring you bad luck and bad influence?
Four Question : Do you know what happened during the development of the apartment or during the renovation and what really happened to the previous owner and whether up till the time you buy the apartment or completed renovation did any bad things happen that brings bad luck or bad energy or bad QI to your home?
Final Question : Relating to question 4, if you do not know, then what is the reason NOT to cleanse your home before moving in? Similar to first question, negative energy is like bad smell in a public toilet. Why not clean the house completely to remove any residue negative energy or influence before staying directly in it?
Steps : Need 2 sage sticks
Before renovation, cleanse your home to get rid of all the negative energy from the previous owner. This is important because you do not want any negative sources from the previously owner to be left behind. Why, because most of the time, the sellers will probably be saying good things in order to sell the house. For new homes specially, cleanse this as you do not know what has happened during the construction of the building. So buy insurance, purge and cleanse before you start any renovation.
After renovation, a few days before you move in, cleanse your home again. This is because, you do not know that has happened during the renovation and what "spiritual" form has moved in during this period. Cleansing at this stage clears out any unwanted presence.
For those who get to know about white sage only after completion of the renovation do not worry. You can still continue to use white sage. Simply do the first cleansing and perform again the 1-2 weeks later.
So how do you do it. First ensure you are alone or at the very least with only your spouse.
- Open all the windows and doors.
- Lit the white sage wand and at this time you should lit it generously.
- Start with the last room and end with the first room. Do remember to include the toilet and store room as well.
- In each room, move to each corner of the room and hold the wand from top and slowly move your hand to the bottom. this will ensure that the smoke fills up the corner from top to bottom.
- Do this slowly so that the home is now filled with the scent of white sage. ** Do not over do it until the house seems like it is on fire.
- Next move to the remaining room and you should finally end up in the living room.
- Due to the size of the living room, you should spend the most time around the corner and then at the center of the room.
- Finally go to the balcony and end with the main door.
- Remember to cleanse the toilet and store room.
Following that, say good things example
Bless this house so that all of us staying here will have good health.
You can create your own versions.
After moving in
Make this a habit every weekend morning and perform the cleansing. You want to keep the house in top form as much as possible. Follow the actions above to smoke each room however this time you can make it relatively fast.
In additional, I strongly recommend that you break a few pieces of the white sage leaves and place it in an incense holder. After the smoking, lit up the sage leaves and leave it in the living room to let it burnt out.
Ref :
Comments :
I moved into my new home in fernvale and i feel uncomfortable. At times, i feel that someone is with in the room but i am alone. I tried smuding the house ... same feeling the first week, but by the third week the feeling is gone. I now feel that this is truely my home.
The spiritual energy in my general little bubble — especially my home — feels completely renewed. And for all intents and purposes, I’m going to say it’s the sage.
It had a cleansing feeling. Made the whole room feel good. You know how your car seems to run a little better after a good detailing and washing? Kind of like that.
Thanks so much for this information. I’ve heard of sage for decades and am almost embarrassed to say that the scent of sage burning has made me nauseous every time I’ve smelled this scent. Because of this article, I found my white sage and did a smudging around my apartment yesterday and it was incredible. No nauseous feeling and I actually love the scent now. I was inhaling deeply to take it into my lungs more fully. My apartment felt so much lighter and higher frequency after using this, I’m amazed at how powerful this wonderful plant / plant is.
I've finally removed that negative entity in my house. White sage has helped like nothing else. I've smudged with it the last couple of days and the air in here is now so clear
I always felt uncomfortable staying at my place. At times there are funerals around here at the void decks... since young I have been sensitive to the spiritual. However i have not saved enough to move to a condo. I found white sage on the internet and experienced it. It cleared my house of the uneasy feeling. Now i am using this heavily on days when there are funerals and it makes the house totally different. I am sensitive and now it is working for me this is especially important for me during chinese ghost month and i am sure to keep some in my bag on my OT nights.
Renovation is the only time i can do a full cleansing. I am fortune to have found premium white sage. This second home feels so refreshing and the clean feeling i just cannot describe it. Definitely it is white sage... i know it