Children |
When I was a young kid, I remember occasions when I would be very afraid. When I grow up, my child would have occasions of fear which I could not identify. Now, children have very pure senses and they can be easily disturbed by any surrounding energies. Keep a white sage at hand to purify the home should your child be disturbed. White Sage is the most potent in purifying the space. Use this to set things right. Do this for each of the frequent places that your child loves to go. Example child bedroom, playroom or study hall We have customers who come to us because they realised that there is more to the childs disturbance. Please note, should there be spirits in the house, you should seek help from professionals and at the same time continue white sage to protect your family and key the spirits away. Comments: My son would always complain of disturbance and point to the ceiling. One day we took him to a fengshui master and we were told that he could see the supernatural. However there is nothing we can do to prevent it. It was in year 2000 that we are introduced to white sage. After smudging my kid quiet down a lot. We were told that white sage has protection abilities and i hope that my son can outgrow this. Once my kid urine outdoor and subsequently he experienced bad nights. Nothing seemed to help until a friend gave me some loose leaves. Later i learnt that this is white sage, it can protect the family if kept at home. My baby would cry for no reason in the middle of the night. We installed CCTV but could not find anything. I was introduced to white sage and now place a bundle in my baby room. Every week i would also cleanse the house... it seem to work. My daughter would frequently complain of uneasyness when coming home from school. It is bright daylight and at one time, we were thinking that she is lazy to go to school. Now we put a small pack in her bag. |
Hauntings and Evil presence |
Many do not know that it is Karma that fates brings the unintended relationship. While by the time the person knows of the disturbance, this is a path that is destined to be undertaken. However one can still use White Sage to purify self, family and home to keep the spirits away. As this is Karma related, should you have a choice to move out, then use white sage until you can move out of the place. Should you have not choice, then you need to heavily purify the place for 21 days. The subsequently purify yourself and your house once a week. There is no rule on how much to do, as an advice is to purify wherever possible. This is because the presence will come back anytime. Advice is to keep presence at bay, then perform rituals through the professionals example fengshui master , pastor .. etc according to your religion. However don't assume that engaging the professionals will be sufficient because even if a presence is pacified to leave. Your karma may still attract others. So do purify yourself so that you do not become a magnet. For the chinese, lit the white sage more frequently during the chinese ghost month. Lastly for people working at hospitals or at places of great pain and suffering. A low luck will increase the possibility of attracting negative influence. Protection is essential to prevent this negative influence from attaching to yourself and accidentally bringing it home. Comments: We are so unlucky to have bought a flat that is haunted. We could not sell the flat and could not stay in it. The only option was to sell back to hdb. By fate we found white sage, and did heavy smudging for 7 days for the first week, then once every week for the next 7 weeks. Towards the end, we engaged a fengshui master to help survey the house again... the presense is gone. We were told that white sage has cleansing abilities, nonetheless we still performed proper sent off procedures. At the moment we have rented the flat out for 6 months to see if there are still problems... looks like our problem is gone. Although I have not gone through a significant break-up, I know that for me a thorough cleaning of whatever helps me rebalance in difficult times. When my (step)father died, I spent the next two days furiously cleaning and it really helped me process the feelings; my mother also said he would found great humor in the fact that I greeted his death with cleaning. I have found generally that cleaning helps to process lots of things During the chinese ghost month, i would see my business suffer a lot.. it seems that whenever this period or when i attended funerals my luck would be totally affected and i would also be with poor health. At a friend recommendation, i am using white sage cleansing and it seems to protect me from the evil.... i am now using this as my protective amulet. I work at the hospital and everytime when i visit my granny she would tell me of presense following me. She would also tell me to remember to bath when i am home. One day she told me to quit as she can sense the presense is gathering around me. I was afraid, at her friend's recomendation i tried white sage, and it seems to bring a protective energy or shield around me. My granny told me that with the protection, nothing wants to come near me and i need to continue with this if i am going to work here. |