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News : Very Famous people

In The Greatest Secret Earl Nightingale states, “Throughout history, the great wise men and teachers, philosophers, and prophets, have disagreed with one another on many different things. It is only on this one point that they are in complete and unanimous agreement- the key to success and the key to failure is this: We Become What We Think About.”

Two very famous people who believe and tried with positive results. And now we are bringing it to you.
There are tons and many more rich and famous people who performs cleansing.

Prince William & Kate Middleton experience a personal cleanse from White Sage in Canada

The royal couple were later welcomed by First Nations people with a traditional Mi'kmaq smudging ceremony. They took part in a 'smudging ceremony', a ritual which involves a Mi'kmag elder lighting sage leaves and wafting the smoke with an eagle wing toward her and William

Simon Cowell cleanses his mansion

The X Factor tycoon Simon Cowell, 52, at his Los Angeles mansion, saying they did a “great job
He said “I did it because if you believe something can make you feel happier then try it. I wasn’t trying to get rid of bad things but I believe your home should be peaceful.

And two people came round today and said the house felt different. So you never know.”

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