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Commonly asked questions

Commonly Asked Questions

Qns: What is White Sage?

Refer to http://sacredsagesg.blogspot.sg/p/what-is-sage.html

Qns: How to use White Sage?

Qns: When should I use White Sage?

Qns: I need more good luck, how can White Sage help?
People always focus on getting more good luck. However more good luck may not turn in any good events at all for 99.9% of the people. This is because the bad luck negates out any good luck. Take good luck as warm water and bad luck as cold water. Pour them together and they negative each other out. Many of our customers have actually quite a good amount of good luck, by removing bad luck, they are now experiencing more good events from family to career and wealth.
Qns: What can i lose by not trying White Sage?
Are you losing precious time, money and energy waiting for dreams to happen? Tried very hard but the promotion was given to someone else? Wanted a higher paid salary job which you can handle but just was not shortlisted for the interview? Spend a lot of money on good luck charms that does not seem to work? Stop for a minute and think out of the box. Instead start by removing bad luck. For many, the peak of career is from age 30 to 45, you want the best of luck during this period. So do not miss this chance.

Qns: Why can't I remove bad luck by going to the temples or places of worship?
Yes, you can. However many people do not know the deity that they are praying to. There are deities that bless good luck or wealth or protection. You need to pray to the right detity. Even if you managed to, how many of us really pray regularly? Praying once a year or twice a year is like a drop in the ocean.

Qns: Is White Sage any better than going to the temple?
White Sage cannot be directly compared with going to the temple. Removing bad luck is a regular activity just like having a haircut or bathing. We always advice our customers to use White Sage to remove bad luck and get protection from negative energy. Then with a cleansed mind, praying at the temple will then amplify the effects.

Qns: Can White Sage bring spirits to the house?
No, White Sage cannot. Similar to Salt and Garlic used by other cultures, White Sage is a natural gift from God. It does not contain spirits. White Sage and the smoke is the natural gifts that has cleansing abilities to remove the negative and evil precense and also the ability to calm the human central nervous system. As the smoke is pure, the smoke will be unbearable to all evil and negative presence.

Qns: Is there a series of steps to follow? I am afraid of doing it wrong.
Don't worry, as White Sage is not a spiritual artifact. You can refer to our website on how to perform healing and cleansing. Most of our customers, after using White Sage personally felt the immense healing that comes along. It cannot be explained but it works. For many of them, it is this feeling of renewed control and new energy that causes them to continue. The most important is to be start with specifics about the bad luck that you want to remove and the good luck then by the more general ones.

Qns: Can I stop anytime and throw the rest away?
We encourage your to try at least 2 times to feel the effects. However you are free to stop anytime. You can also throw the rest away, however before you throw them away we encourage if you could send it back to us so that we can give it free to someone else. We are willing to pay for your postage.

Qns: Who are your customers?
We have people from all walks of lives. From sales person to top managerial and from students to businessman. We also have customers whom experienced personal pain due to family issues. For them we encourage them to continue their existing medical treatments while using White Sage to aid in the healing. Currently majority of our customers are of the following profiles.

(Top 1) People who are business owners and working professionals who are running small businesses concurrently,
(Top 2) People in landed property and private apartments who practices home energy recharging and cleansing
(Top 3) Couples who are getting married or planning to renovate their home.
(Top 4) People who cleanses their gems and crystals that absorbs bad luck or items that have significant value through age that accumulates negative energy
Recently more and more people have come forward to embrace cleansing as part of their personal cleansing as scientific proof of existence of Aura has spread to various parts of society.

Qns: Who should not use White Sage?
We encourage all to use. However we strongly recommend that people with asthma and lung problems do not breath the smoke directly. Family members can help cleanse the home while those with the following condition go for a short walk outside. Just give the smoke 30mins to settle down.
For folks who practices black arts, White Sage is definitely not for you.

Qns: I am shy to say that I actually want to win 4D and Toto. Can White Sage help?
You are not alone. In fact almost all our customers buys 4D or Toto for leisure. Some of the more advanced are into stocks. White Sage can help by removing the bad luck. For these indirect wealth, luck is the most important. We have customers whom has consulted fengshui and have not yet experience any windfall until they cleansed themselves of the bad luck. Some of them won 4D top 3 prizes and a few toto group 2 and group 3. There are 2 whom won toto group 1. Many more experienced much better luck in their stocks. Almost all of them mention that somehow an inner voice was telling them what to do.

Qns: What is this inner voice?All of us have a subconsious aspects. This subconsious helps guides us in what we do. Many billionaires became rich at a single point in time when they are in help an found the right solution through this voice. By removing bad luck, your mind is much clearer to tap into this.

Qns: I am working in an MNC can White Sage help?
Yes, working at MNC means a lot of hard work to climb up the corporate ladder. However hardwork is nothing compared to the number of thousands whom are working hard day in and day out. You need good luck and absolutely no bad luck to make the difference. Recall a time when you dare not voice out our said something which the rest finds it stupid. Well this is because your bad luck is blocking your mind from being effective.

Qns: What axactly is bad luck and why cant i just remove it all at once.No one have an exact explaination of bad luck. Basically it is an energy that prevents you from getting what is good and important for yourself. Bad luck can be removed using White Sage smoke, however we humans generates a lot of bad luck each day. Everyone walks up complaining, shouting, feeling anger, depressed... these generates a lot of bad luck and everyone of us who stay in the city will be affected..  just like radiowaves. You can remove it but bad luck just keeps coming back. So it is essential to regularly remove this bad luck.

Qns: If bad luck is always there, why bother?
Imagine that bad luck is effecting everyone of us. So anyone whom regularly cleanse themselves will enjoy better outcomes. For the rest, they will be burdened down with bad luck. This means what while the 99.9% are being dragged down, you can be that 0.1% that moves up without much effort. Any more effort that you put in will mean that you are on an aeroplane. Get it? By the way, next time when someone bump into you, remember to cleanse yourself because any bad luck will be passed to you too.

Qns: How else is bad luck accumulated?
Some examples are funeral services, bad events like accidents, killing will all generate a lot of bad luck.

Qns: I dont recall that i have daily bad encounter why am i experiencing bad luck?
Bad luck is accumulative, it is added from the day we come to this world. The words we say, the things we think and how we behave all adds up. I recall a customer who is getting married but is experiencing very bad family issues. It later surfaced that she works at the bank, collecting credit card debts. Routine phone calls seems to be daily affairs however she does not know that the customers whom could not pay up the credit card bills are cursing her and the bank. Inevitably her luck suffers as she faces the customers over the phone. After regular cleansing, family issues have stabalized and now she is regularly cleansing herself. And she is seeing for herself first hand the amount of bad luck generated and passed onto her.
Qns: I have been using White Sage from other sources but yours are different. I feel so clear and calm. Are there any difference between your white sage and others?
It is very important to respect and handle White Sage. White Sage cannot be treated as pure product for sale. The entire chain of handling must have sufficient positive mindset for the greater good. We want all our White Sage to find a good home and serve the family well. Because of this, our White Sage is only sourced from reputable places.
Qns: Why did you provide service for White Sage
I personally benefited from White Sage. At the peak of desperation, I was introduced to White Sage on the internet. However several attempts there was no results and I was discouraged. Several weeks later, a personal friend brought me White Sage and encouraged me to try again. This time it is different. Over the years, I was careful to get White Sage from known sources. With the blessings that I receive, I hope to share this with more people and may the benefits yield into thanks for the cultures that brought us this blessings.

Our customers
I am getting married soon and i have frequent arguement with my partner and even my parents. Whatever I say they dont seem to want to listen. My friend recommended me White Sage. I smudged myself before the family discussions and i start to notice that I am now communicating calmly and clearly. Every preparation seems to go one much smoothly without arguments... I can unexplain it but it seems to be the smuding.

I moved into my new home in fernvale and i feel uncomfortable. At times, i feel that someone is with in the room but i am alone. I tried smuding the house ... same feeling the first week, but by the third week the feeling is gone. I now feel that this is truely my home.

My family has been collecting antiques for many years. Recently we chanced upon an antique watch that my dad loves very much. My elder brother does not feel good with this and thus we suggested not to proceed with buy. A few days later, when we returned to our shop, we were shocked that our dad bought it. He mentioned that the customer came back and lowered the price and he feel its an excellent price. But strange things began to happen in the house... we had broken items, items that were lost and later found again... Dad engaged a fengshui master but nothing seem to help. Eventually we tried White Sage... the first week was the same ... by the fifth week everything returned to normal. We are now using white sage every week at both office and home and it brings a safe piece of mind. I have to admit that this incident caused me to rethink about spiritual belief.

While white sage is used mostly as a ritual herb, I use it any time I feel my apartment's energy needs to be cleansed of any stagnation I may feel throughout my space.Sage is a wonderful herb that is not only good for cooking and Alternative Medicines but has great Spiritual benefits

I hope people won't act as usual again, ignoring anything that might help them and only focusing on sensational claims and threads. Sage smudging is an amazing tool that applies to everyone who wants to stay within love and Light.

After I receive smudging, it always leaves me with an immense sense of calm. It is as if the volume of the room has been switched off, and there is no more anxiety or restlessness. It is one of the most powerful cleansers of aura.

The spiritual energy in my general little bubble — especially my home — feels completely renewed. And for all intents and purposes, I’m going to say it’s the sage.

My mom was super into smudging and Native American spirituality as I was growing up and I’m pretty sure every place I lived in as a child was smudged before we moved in. This practice had totally slipped my mind until I saw this post and made me realize I should do this in my own home.

It had a cleansing feeling. Made the whole room feel good. You know how your car seems to run a little better after a good detailing and washing? Kind of like that.

Thanks so much for this information. I’ve heard of sage for decades and am almost embarrassed to say that the scent of sage burning has made me nauseous every time I’ve smelled this scent. Because of this article, I found my white sage and did a smudging around my apartment yesterday and it was incredible. No nauseous feeling and I actually love the scent now. I was inhaling deeply to take it into my lungs more fully. My apartment felt so much lighter and higher frequency after using this, I’m amazed at how powerful this wonderful plant / plant is.

I think smudging is a great way to clear a place of negative energy and it can be used on people too - I do smudging on myself as well together with prayers. It helps for me .

Although I have not gone through a significant break-up, I know that for me a thorough cleaning of whatever helps me rebalance in difficult times. When my (step)father died, I spent the next two days furiously cleaning and it really helped me process the feelings; my mother also said he would found great humor in the fact that I greeted his death with cleaning. I have found generally that cleaning helps to process lots of things

I've still got that negative entity in my house. White sage has helped like nothing else. I've smudged with it the last couple of days and the air in here is now so clear

It was ridiculous. I was holding this massive wad of dried weeds, with a burning tip the size of a  baseball. With smoke pouring out the windows, passers-by on the street looked up as though there was an emergency going on, actually pointing at my windows. I could hardly breathe and my eyes were watering up but I was determined to make the place mine, and I even had to unplug the smoke detector. I wound up burning a hole in the carpet…shhh, I put a chair over it, and fairly distressing the very persinickity upstairs neighbour who glowered at me from that moment on. But, it WORKED. After that day, the place felt like MINE. It was home.

This plant is a long time friend of mine. Thank You White Sage for this freindship and all of your help and blessings. I can't imagine my life without this friend.
Yes, this plant will help to cleanse and remove negative or unwanted energies from areas or people. But there is more.White Sage is a spiritual cleanser and used in this manner is a powerfull ally worthy of it's worldwide reputation

I have been into stocks for 10 years but I was nowhere... everytime i make some i also lose some. However things start to turn around after using White Sage. It seems to clear my mind and I can now easiler hear my inner voices. It happened again and again, my mind is now telling me when to get out and when to go in. I am very happy with White Sage for helping me make back my $100K. White Sage is a gift and I hope more people will try this.