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Casino lovers and Frequent Travellers

Casino Lovers / Visitors who gamble at Casinos 

Review our "Wealth Pouch" and "White Sage". Use White Sage to protect against bad luck at the casino and then use the "Wealth Pouch" to bring the luck of chance. 

Casinos are very well known with evil and negative energy. It is very important to cleanse yourself with top grade white sage. The scent will protect you against any negative and evil. Protect your luck during the games. Before going to Genting or Macau pack 2 white sage in your bag. Keep one full sage in your handbag and use another to fully cleanse yourself before and after you step into the casino. White sage is so effective that you can be assured no evil can attach and bring your luck down. So grab one now and protect your luck during the games.  If you are a high roller then perform heavy cleansing every time for 3 days in a roll. You are then guaranteed with a top protection against bad luck.

Always maximize your winning luck before you try your luck at casino. It is just not worth the risk of potential windfall. Our popular "Wealth Pouch" is now totally open to all.

This is a special article to share for people who enjoy going casinos, gambling places or even casual majong sessions. Casinos around the world can employ fengshui or other methods to give the house superb luck. Often customers will have a lower luck since most customers come in with only bare hands. A few will come in prepared with their charms or amulets but most are not effective. To protect your luck you need items that can cleanse negative energy.

White Sage has great protection abilities. In fact the most powerful properties of White Sage is to protect the owner of evil and negative influence. Thus White Sage essentially protects the owner from bad luck. Also only premium white sage from certain areas are potent and effective. Low grade or farmed white sage has little or almost no effect.

In some overseas gambling places, these places can employ black magic to suck the wealth out of the customers. No only that, there are black arts that can even suck the luck of passerby but usually they would not do that that because their time would be better spent at certain places that are guaranteed to have rich people.

For people who like to try their luck at casinos or even for majong sessions, you should break a few leaves from the white sage stick. Pack as much white sage into a transparent plastic bag. The size should be reasonable so that you can put into your pocket conveniently. Discard this after you leave the casino as the power would have been significantly reduced.

Do you know that professional gamblers know about negative influence against them and always attempt to throw coins on the floor. This is a believe that coins have traditional ability to provide some protection. Thus at the end of the day, all casino cleaners will have tons of coins to remove. 

Why limit yourself to using coins for protection? Use the most potent way to neutralize evil and negative energy. Protect your luck and protect your money.

We are provide personalize delivery to hotels in Singapore. Many tourist coming to Singapore email us to deliver our products to the hotel of choice.

Frequent Travelers / Staying at hotel for holidays

All of us will know what we need to pack on our trip overseas, but i bet that none of you will know what you have brought back home from the trip. There  are countless real accounts of people who experienced evil presence in hotels. Searching the internet will provide you with a wealth of information like knocking on the room door to indicate that the room now belongs to you. Whatever method, you can be sure that you are not totally protected.

For travellers, White Sage is a MUST to have. Do not ignore this lightly as you may not have seen the number of spiritual presence in a hotel. Ask any spiritual healers or people with the third eye and they can tell you the countless presence in a typical hotel. These presence are much more for hotels near to casinos.

White Sage potent protection ability is a must. Bring an entire White Sage stick and smudge the hotel room lightly. If you are afraid that you may accidentally turn on the smoke alarm, then break a few leaves and lit in the hotel room. Ask your God for protection or say to yourself to protect me and my family, then place the entire White Sage stick on the hotel table or your bed side table. Put a paper on the table to inform the cleaner not to touch the sage stick.

Keep this sage there until you return back to your country, upon reaching home. then use as much of the White Sage as possible over the next few weeks as its power may have been slowly depleted. Replace with a new one for home.

Do not underestimate the use of White Sage, your years of good luck may be affected just with a single overseas trip as you may not be aware of the evil influences entering your space. Be responsible and take precaution to prevent this evil influence from entering your homes especially if you have young kids and elderly.