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We have moved to http://www.sacredsagesg.com

For the undecided

We understand that making the first step is difficult and can be lonely. Let me share how difficult it was for me. Before the final decision to go for it. I pondered for 3 months. Below are my thoughts from the most significant that prevents me to the least significant.

1. How will my family members view me? Will they feel that I am too superstitious?
2. Will this create more problems for me? Like these things about a new dimension, it scares me.
3. Are the white sage actually safe? Looks spiritual to me.
4. Will the burning be out of control like wow a huge fire more than what i can handle.
5. Are there cheaper ones that are smaller since i am only starting out.
6. How will it affect my family, i have a lovely wife and kids. Will it affect my baby too?
7. You are selling so you sure say that it is good.
8. I already have charms so I don't need this.

Are you also like me? Do any of the following sounds farmilar?
Well all the above are the same questions that everyone currently using White Sage from us have. These same questions are nothing new to us.

Let me unfold the answers to you.

1. How will my family members view me? Will they feel that I am too superstitious?
There will be some who will feel that. But are you going to change the world? Does it matter how others look at you now? If you are indeed successful they will become aware of their armature thinking. Step out and look at what 95% of all are wearing. From pendants to bracelets every single one the shape the material symbolizes good luck. Are theses any different? Well they are, these are useless because negative energy is in them. They are wearing for pure appearances where you are targeting the root of the problem. Every one of our customers eventually had to place more orders because their families saw the success and now tags along.

2. Will this create more problems for me? Like these things about a new dimension, it scares me.
This dimension is with us whether you choose to believe it or not. Everyone is bombarded by negative energy daily. Feed your fear and give up your future. Embrace and unlock yourself to see your potential. Surf the net, there are almost zero negative reviews.

3. Are the white sage actually safe? Looks spiritual to me.
This is more than safe. Apart from smudging, people actually use it for bathing and drinking. However we do not suggesting drinking it. Here at sacredsagesg, we only put up any item that has tons of solid feedback. No products are untested. All on our site must have good reviews before we put up to our customers. We advocate a vision to share the goodness.

4. Will the burning be out of control like wow a huge fire more than what i can handle.
Nope it will not. You can always run this under the tap to put out the smoke. If the fire is strong, put this on a tray of porcelain. This is because there is immense negative energy and it is seriously competing to put it out. Only worry if your sage is not burning, this is because negative energy is too strong.

5. Are there cheaper ones that are smaller since i am only starting out.
Low grade sage, Mix sage and small sage are almost useless. After you are cleansed of negative energy try holding ours with the rest. Feel the strength of energy. Just like the inner strength of a strong tree differs from a weak one. Cleansing negative energy is about using strong and earthly pure white sage. White Sage is not a commodity.

6. How will it affect my family, i have a lovely wife and kids. Will it affect my baby too?
It is great for the family. Removes negative from their entire family and home. Move everyone along to the positive. Babies and children are especially effected with negative energy. By removing negative energy, positive energy has a chance to create growth. Remember the sum of all family members is the whole not individual. Cleansing as a family creates a new dimension of abundance because it creates whole lot of positive energy. We have seen couples who performed cleansing came up with a brilliant business ideas and are now co-owners of a business.

7. You are selling so you sure say that it is good.
First I must be a customer myself and use it to sell it. I have used White Sage for many years. This is the best gift and should be shared. Just because a doctor sees patient does not mean he cannot open a clinic.

8. I already have charms so I don't need this.
99% of the charms out there is useless to the ordinary folks. Take a look and you can see 9 out of 10 people has good luck pendants, chains of every single pattern. However it just does not work. This is because charms falls under two 3 categories.

  • Category 1 : For protection against Negative Energy or Evil. This is only useful to the wearer for the limited space. When you bath or at privacy, the negative energy will crept into your body. Thus over time, the wearer is still effected. The difference is that it just takes longer time to influence you. 
  • Category 2 : To absorb Negative Energy or Evil so that it does not affect the place. Negative energy is all around us. It is generated by other people and the surroundings. Such charms have only a limited capacity and will soon reach the max that it can absorb.
  • Category 3 : To invite good luck. This is probably a total waste of money. Why, because it is just like pouring clear water into muddy pond. The result is still muddy water. Inviting good luck without cleansing away negative is like asking for help without opening the gate. If you do not remove negative energy how does new positive energy enter your body or space?

Thus charms needs to be cleansed. To effectively cleanse charms to the max, you need to use an effective way that does not degrade the charm of its material or spiritual strength. Only Premium White Sage has this properties. However do note that Premium White Sage is so powerful in cleansing the space that if a person obtains a charm of evil, the evil will be purged away. If a person obtains negative energy for its own benefit then they should not use Premium White Sage. With this, if you stay in an area and are unknown if neighbors has negative energy, using White Sage regularly will create and area of protection to prevent any negative evil from ever coming into the home.

At this juncture, I started to think about my life. This is about me and I do not want to waste my precious life away. I can always stop if it does not work. And here I am today, from a point of low grade staff with not girlfriend. To a husband with 3 lovely kids and a beautiful wife with a senior management role. My journey now unfolds me into starting my own business, :) not selling white sage by the way.

Start your journey and write your history.

If you have any doubts feel free to email me at SacredSageSG@gmail.com. No questions are wrong to be answered.