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Toto or 4D

Total and 4D

This is a special posting related to the favorite pass-time for people in Singapore. Everyone wants to have lottery charm but winning lottery can be as simple as just removing bad luck. Real people winning toto group 1 and group 2 just be removing bad luck. Many many more won top 3 prize for 4D. You can be the next 
Every notice that you have an urge and missed the number just by a little.
Well this is because your aura is not strong enough to intercept the number that you are so strongly looking for either consciously or subconsciously.

Luck means different things to different people.
However in Singapore and Malaysia, many attributes luck to winning 4D, Toto, Magnum...etc Well this is not wrong and there are a wealth of materials surrounding the ways to attract wealth.

There are good ways, fengshui ways, spiritual ways and even negative ways. Should you stop and look at each of them, they all entails some forms of prayers in one way or another.

There are tons of sources surrounding the questions of how to attract wealth. There are clover leaf, tian lu etc. Many testimonials exist on the success stories. On the other side, there are also people who did not experience any change or effect at all.

So why is this so? There is a catch and technique that is known and will not be shared. Here I am sharing this out for your benefit as i benefited for it. Before you are able to connect or tap on these sources, you need to be in a state subconsciously that is calm and clear. Many will say that it is simple well I can tell you it is not. Before you go out and pay thousands of dollars do you even know that your Karma could well be a ceiling that caps your ability for this wealth?

No, then you better know this now. Wealth is a double edge sword. On one end, you get more money and on the other end, without proper knowledge and ability to handle money.... sad to say money will not be attracted to you and will leave you. Just like a person searching for a life long partner, will not look for someone who is dirty and with negative mind.

So what is needed? You need the help to reach out spiritually and be conditioned to be ready to accept the new wealth. Through purfication, you will reach clarify and your words to be reached and you will then command weight and be heard through the universe. This is a pre-requisite to garner wealth to you.

Use White Sage to cleanse and purify your mind. Set yourself to a positive tone and then be clear what you want to achieve. Whether it is 1 Million or 2 Million. Be clear. You will soon realise that White Sage can condition you into the state much faster than any traditional ways.

Repeat what is your aspirations morning 3 times and night 3 times. Continuously purify yourself and do not dwell on any negative thoughts.

Good luck.... you are on the journey where many and really many do not know at this era.

By the way, still in doubt, well search the net for someone who won lottery 7 times. It defys all maths. And if you think it is technique, well stop for a moment. It is not. It is the subconscious of the higher being that sends him images and messages what and when to buy.

Get it? Still want to be poor? If not, start getting some White Sage and try now. This is better than buying lottery and waiting to win just like the rest of the people out there. By you buying lottery, you are no different from the rest so why should you stand a chance better than the rest?

Your chance lies in the unknown and very few knows how to tap on.

Good luck.

I have personally won 4D (third prize) by cleansing myself for 7 days and then pray to see the 4D number. So I know it WORKS!

Also it takes time to condition yourself to this wealth and thus if you are aiming for the next toto win then you should start now. 30% of our customers takes 3 weeks before they experience the first win and they are the fastest. Waiting longer will only prolong your time for the next win.

*** At SacredSageSG, we always recommend using good luck with proper work and not through Gambling. 

Below are some feedback from our customers showing their luck improved significantly from no where near to very near win.